I watched it a few years ago, and remember the stunts and the Caan-Arkin repartee. I like the cast. It's barely watchable now, though I liked Caan being openly corrupt in the era of Serpico; my uncle managed bars in NYC when precinct captains gave business owners "pay lists" with badge numbers, and the pigs showed up for their cut.

It's amusing that Hollywood still makes movies where cops can be corrupt and brutal, as long as an ethnic comedian plays the part. I'm thinking of Billy Crystal torturing a suspect with a tattoo gun in Running Scared, and the most recent Bad Boys movie trailer...

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I think it's a movie that can be best watched in clips of the stunts and the bickering - everything else is not so good. There's a smarter writer out there who'd be able to interrogate the "police brutality is good if it's Will Smith doing it" theory better than I ever would, but it's definitely something I'll think about now, you rotter.

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